Occasion lease without BKR
Occasion lease without BKR check and without BKR registration
Do you want a used car lease without BKR registration? Or do you want a used car lease without a BKR check? No problem, at Shortleaseland you can lease a used car without a BKR check and without being registered with the BKR.
In this white paper
- What is a BKR registration and when do you receive a BKR registration?
- How long does a BKR registration remain visible?
- How can you delete a BKR registration?
- How does leasing work with a negative BKR registration?
- What amount is registered with the BKR in case of leasing?
- The benefits of leasing with a negative BKR registration
Can you short lease with a negative BKR registration?
At Shortleaseland it is possible to lease with a negative BKR registration. With a short-term lease you are provided with comfortable transport in the short term, without having to enter into a long-term commitment.
Why is it often not possible to lease with a BKR registration?
If you lease, the leasing company often assesses your financial situation in advance. If an external credit rating agency sees a negative BKR registration, your lease application will be rejected.
Why doesn't Shortleaseland do a BKR registration?
With most leasing companies you enter into a lease agreement for a longer period. Since short-term leasing involves an agreement for a shorter period, this is not the case with short-term leasing. In addition, your contract can be canceled monthly after the agreed term. This allows you to immediately avoid your payment obligation when your financial situation has changed or when you no longer need the used lease and you can take out a short lease without BKR registration.
What is the contract term for short lease?
Short lease is an attractive alternative to leasing or renting if you need a used car for a shorter period. At Shortleaseland it is possible to conclude a short lease contract for a period of at least one month to a maximum of 24 months. If you want to lease for a longer period, it will be a 'regular' operational lease contract. Short lease is a lot more flexible than long-term leasing and often cheaper than renting. After the agreed term of your contract, it can be canceled monthly.
What is a used lease?
A used car lease is a newly used, well-maintained car that has already driven some kilometers. You can lease a used car for both business and private purposes. The advantage of a used car is that these cars already have some kilometers on them, so we know that the car is reliable and we know the maintenance history of the vehicle. In addition, used cars are immediately available so you can hit the road straight away and our used cars are often equipped with popular options. At Shortleaseland you can lease a used car without a BKR check and without receiving a BKR registration.
Do you want to lease a used car without a BKR check and without a BKR registration? Then check us out range of vehicles on the website. This gives you a good impression of the possibilities at Shortleaseland. Would you like to know what we can do for you or do you have any questions? Then take Contact with us. Our advisors are happy to think along with you.