Business lease without BKR check and without BKR registration

Would you rather not have your business lease contract registered with the BKR? Or do you want to lease for business without a BKR check? No problem, at Shortleaseland you can lease a car for business without a BKR check and without getting a BKR registration.

Business lease without BKR check

Most leasing companies assess your financial situation before you can lease a car, by means of a BKR check or by looking at the annual accounts. If you have a negative BKR registration or cannot yet show annual figures, it can be difficult to conclude a lease contract. At Shortleaseland we do not do a BKR check and you do not need annual figures. Our specialists will assess your current situation themselves. We believe that trust is more important than figures and we believe that as an entrepreneur you can accurately assess whether you can meet your payment obligations. For this reason you can lease a car for business without a BKR check at Shortleaseland. Do you have a negative BKR registration? Read more about short lease with negative BKR registration here.

Business lease without BKR registration

With most leasing companies, a new lease agreement is registered with the Central Credit Registration Office (BKR), with the result that in many cases you can take out no or less new credit. This includes applying for a loan, taking out a mortgage or taking out a telephone subscription. This is because when you lease a car you normally enter into a financial commitment for a long term. As a result, a lease contract is seen as a kind of personal loan. This is not the case at Shortleaseland – At Shortleaseland you can lease for business without obtaining BKR registration. This is because there are fewer risks associated with a short-term lease than a long-term lease contract.

In this white paper

  • What is a BKR registration and when do you receive a BKR registration?
  • How long does a BKR registration remain visible?
  • How can you delete a BKR registration?
  • How does leasing work with a negative BKR registration?
  • What amount is registered with the BKR in case of leasing?
  • The benefits of leasing with a negative BKR registration
  • Why doesn't Shortleaseland do a BKR registration?

    With most leasing companies you enter into a lease agreement for a longer period. Since short lease is an agreement for a shorter period, this is not the case with short lease. In addition, your contract can be canceled monthly after the agreed term. This means that you can immediately escape your payment obligation when your financial situation has changed or when you no longer need the lease car and you can take out a short lease without BKR registration.

  • What is the contract term for short lease?

    Short lease is an attractive alternative to leasing or renting if you need a passenger car or commercial vehicle for a shorter period. At Shortleaseland it is possible to conclude a short lease contract for a period of at least one month to a maximum of 24 months. If you want to lease for a longer period, it will be a 'regular' operational lease contract. Short lease is a lot more flexible than long-term leasing and often cheaper than renting. After the agreed term of your contract, it can be canceled monthly.

Private lease vs. Business lease

If you have your own company, you can lease for both business and private purposes. But what's the difference? With a business lease you can benefit from tax benefits, including VAT deduction and reduced income tax. The disadvantage is that with a business lease car you can drive a maximum of 500 kilometers privately. Do you drive more than 500 kilometers privately? Then you have to pay additional tax. This is generally 22% over the list price of the car, unless you lease an electric car. In that case it is 16% addition. This is a fixed amount and does not change as you drive more private kilometers. If you drive less than 500 kilometers per year privately, you must keep your trip registration to avoid having to pay additional tax. In addition, business leasing is possible without a BKR check, without a BKR registration and without annual figures.

With a private lease you do not have to pay any additional tax, so it does not matter whether you use the car for business or private purposes. This means you don't have to keep trip registrations anyway. In addition, with a private lease you can declare €0.21 per kilometer for business trips. You cannot claim other costs you incur on the car. When choosing a private lease or business lease, it is therefore wise to check in advance how much you want to drive the car for private and business purposes, so that you can make a well-considered decision.

Are you considering leasing a company car or car for business purposes? Then view our full range of vehicles on the website. This gives you a good impression of the possibilities at Shortleaseland. Would you like to know what we can do for you or do you have any questions? Then take Contact with us. Our advisors are happy to think along with you.

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